Rewards and Sanctions


Rewarding good work and behaviour motivates and encourages pupils. This is done informally through regular praise and formally through awarding Praise Points on epraise. Students and parents will be able to see what Praise Points have been given. If you have trouble setting up epraise, click here or email

Praise Points

All staff, regardless of role in school, have the ability to award Praise Points. 

The categories for Praise Points follow our school values: Be Kind, Be Brave, Be the Best You. You can read more about our vision and values here.

Staff will aim to include a comment as to why a praise point is being given.


Students will receive certificates when they achieve certain Praise Point milestones (E.g 50, 100, 200 etc). Each Head of Year also decides their own system of rewards based on milestones achieved. This may include celebrations like hot chocolate and a cookie for first 25 students to get 100 points.

Achievers’ Draw

Each term we hold an Achievers’ Assembly for each year group.  Pupils earn tickets for the draw based on the number of Praise Points they earned and for 100% attendance in a half-term.

Awards Evening

Each year we hold an Awards Evening celebrating student achievements from previous year. This is our formal way of celebrating the extraordinary contributions our students make to Sheldon School. Parents and pupils attend by invitation and a keynote speaker leads the evening.



At Sheldon, we have the highest expectations for our students. This is because we know that young people today will face many challenges in life, and we want to equip them with the skills, qualities and qualifications to allow them to meet these challenges. We also know that you share these aspirations. To achieve this, we need our school community to be a place where learning can flourish, and young people can thrive. We want young people to value learning and feel safe in our community. The support of parents and carers is crucial in ensuring that all young people in our school achieve their potential. We have therefore made some changes, both in our behaviour system and the communication that parents and carers receive. Further details can be found in our Behaviour and Consequences document below. 


Our behaviour system is focused on rewarding and recognising the achievements of our students. However, we also need a system that holds students accountable for their actions and provides them with opportunities to improve their behaviour. Demerits will be given when students to do not meet the clearly stated expectations of our Behaviour Policy. Demerits will be recorded on the epraise portal for parents. 

Categories for issuing demerits are:

  • Late 
  • Warning 
  • Reset 
  • Homework 
  • Uniform 
  • Equipment 
  • Truancy 
  • Out of lesson issue 
  • Electronic device 
  • Failure to complete detention/suspension appropriately 
  • Serious Incident 

Classroom Framework 

A member of staff will issue a warning. This is followed by a Reset if a student does not modify their behaviour. The student is then directed to work in the Behaviour Support Centre (BSC) in order to Reset. The appropriate category is recorded on epraise. In addition, the appropriate lunchtime detention is chosen. At this point, BSC are aware and will expect the student to arrive in the next 5 minutes. The teacher will aim to inform parents as soon as possible. Failure to Reset will result in an internal suspension in the Reflection Room. Two resets in one day will result in a Fixed Term Suspension (FTS).


We have a very clear centralised detention system. If a student is given a detention, they will be escorted to the detention room by staff. The aim of this is to have a quick, immediate sanction. Detentions last twenty minutes, giving plenty of time for a student to collect lunch. 

For more information

If you have a question about the our rewards system or behaviour policy, please contact your child's tutor.

Sheldon really was a key influence on how I drove my career forward. Yes, there are ups & downs through school life but keeping focussed is the main thing and if you really want to make it happen - you can. I am proof!
Mark Wood - Managing Director at Horizon Beauty for Future Cosmetics - Barcelona