Much Ado About Numbers

18 Apr 24

Thank you to Rob Eastaway for visiting Sheldon today to talk to our Year 10 students about Maths and Shakespeare. Students learned how the Tutors multiplied, the history of how we use numbers and why 7 was once considered a special number. They even played a hazardous game of dice!

Rob Eastaway is an author, maths speaker and broadcaster who has written many books about maths of every day life. His newest book, Much Ado About Numbers, was published today and he very kindly donated copies of it to our school library. If you'd like to learn more about this fascinating intersection of maths, history, literature, science and music check out his website and pick up his book!

Thank you to Mrs Scott, Head of Mathematics, for arranging an exciting enrichment opportunity for our Year 10 students.

“My son has had a very enjoyable first year at Sheldon."
Year 7 Parent