Performing & Expressive Arts

A welcome from the Head of Faculty, Mrs Brunt
The Arts at Sheldon are an integral part of school life. We aim to enable all pupils to experience and reach their potential in art, dance, drama and music. The faculty strives to create a safe and positive environment where students can learn mutual respect, disciplines and confidence, whilst developing their teamwork and leadership skills.
Members of staff actively endeavour to demonstrate these transferable skills by being strong role models. We are equipping our young people to take up their position in the world as confident, articulate, perceptive and well-rounded creative individuals.
During their time at Sheldon, pupils have numerous opportunities to go on trips, take part in workshops and participate in a range of extra-curricular activities including clubs and school productions.
Click here to read the curriculum plans for:
Key Stage 3
(Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9)
Click on the link to download our curriculum plan for each year group. These plans detail what pupils will learn each term and how they will be assessed, as well as common misconceptions and key vocabulary.
Key Stage 4
(Year 10 and Year 11)
Click on the link below to download the curriculum plan for KS4 Art.
Key Stage 3
(Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9)
Click on the link to download our curriculum plan for each year group. These plans detail what pupils will learn each term and how they will be assessed, as well as common misconceptions and key vocabulary.
Key Stage 4
(Year 10 and Year 11)
Click on the link below to download the curriculum plan for KS4 Dance.
Key Stage 3
(Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9)
Click on the link to download our curriculum plan for each year group. These plans detail what pupils will learn each term and how they will be assessed, as well as common misconceptions and key vocabulary.
Key Stage 4
(Year 10 and Year 11)
Click on the link below to download the curriculum plan for KS4 Drama.
Key Stage 3
(Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9)
Click on the link to download our curriculum plan for each year group. These plans detail what pupils will learn each term and how they will be assessed, as well as common misconceptions and key vocabulary.
Key Stage 4
(Year 10 and Year 11)
Click on the link below to download the curriculum plan for KS4 Music.